An immutable queue library in F#. The queue is divided into two lists : one for dequeueing, and one for enqueueing. All operations are based on the List module.
There are a few exceptions however : operations involving arithmetic (such as List.sum) are not included.
// Adapted from F# ListEnumerator from fslib/prim-types.fs type private QueueEnumerator<'a>(enqueued : 'a list, toDequeue :'a list) = static let notStarted() = raise (new System.InvalidOperationException("Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.")) static let alreadyFinished() = raise (new System.InvalidOperationException("Enumeration already finished.")) static let nonempty x = not <| List.isEmpty x let mutable backData = enqueued let mutable frontData = toDequeue let moveBackToFront() = match frontData, backData with | [], hd::tl -> frontData <- List.rev backData | _ -> () let mutable started = false member x.GetCurrent() = if started then moveBackToFront() match frontData with | hd :: tl -> hd | [] -> alreadyFinished() else notStarted() interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<'a> with member x.Current = x.GetCurrent() interface System.Collections.IEnumerator with member x.MoveNext() = moveBackToFront() if started then match frontData with | hd::tl -> frontData <- tl nonempty frontData | [] -> false else started <- true nonempty frontData member x.Current = box (x.GetCurrent()) member x.Reset() = started <- false backData <- enqueued frontData <- toDequeue interface System.IDisposable with member x.Dispose() = () type Queue<'a> = { enqueued : 'a list toDequeue : 'a list } interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'a> with member x.GetEnumerator() = (new QueueEnumerator<'a>(x.enqueued, x.toDequeue) :> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<'a>) interface System.Collections.IEnumerable with member x.GetEnumerator() = (new QueueEnumerator<'a>(x.enqueued, x.toDequeue) :> System.Collections.IEnumerator) [<CompilationRepresentation(CompilationRepresentationFlags.ModuleSuffix)>] module Queue = type t<'a> = Queue<'a> let unsafe_create enqueued toDequeue = { enqueued = enqueued toDequeue = toDequeue } let toList xs = xs.toDequeue @ List.rev xs.enqueued let ofList xs = unsafe_create [] xs [<GeneralizableValueAttribute ()>] let empty<'a> : Queue<'a> = unsafe_create [] [] let rec peek q = match q.enqueued, q.toDequeue with | _, hd::tl -> hd | hd::tl as e, [] -> e |> List.rev |> List.head | _ -> invalidArg "q" "peek : empty queue" let rec tryPeek q = match q.enqueued, q.toDequeue with | _, hd::tl -> Some hd | hd::tl as e, [] -> e |> List.rev |> ofList |> tryPeek | _ -> None let enqueue x q = {q with enqueued = x :: q.enqueued} let rec dequeue q = match q.enqueued, q.toDequeue with | _, hd::tl -> hd, {q with toDequeue = tl} | hd::tl as e, [] -> e |> List.rev |> ofList |> dequeue | _ -> invalidArg "q" "dequeue : empty queue" let rec tryDequeue q = match q.enqueued, q.toDequeue with | _, hd::tl -> Some (hd, {q with toDequeue = tl}) | hd::tl as e, [] -> e |> List.rev |> ofList |> tryDequeue | _ -> None let append xs xs' = List.append (toList xs) (toList xs') |> ofList let choose f xs = unsafe_create (List.choose f xs.enqueued) (List.choose f xs.toDequeue) let collect f xs = unsafe_create (List.collect f xs.enqueued) (List.collect f xs.toDequeue) let concat xss = unsafe_create [] [for xs in xss do yield! toList xs] let exists p xs = List.exists p xs.enqueued || List.exists p xs.toDequeue let exists2 p xs xs' = List.exists2 p (toList xs) (toList xs') let filter p xs = unsafe_create (List.filter p xs.enqueued) (List.filter p xs.toDequeue) let find p xs = match List.tryFind p xs.toDequeue with | None -> List.find p (List.rev xs.enqueued) | Some x -> x let findAll p xs = filter p xs let findIndex p xs = match List.tryFindIndex p xs.toDequeue with | None -> List.findIndex p (List.rev xs.enqueued) | Some x -> x let fold f v xs = xs |> toList |> List.fold f v let fold2 f v xs xs' = List.fold2 f v (toList xs) (toList xs') let foldBack f xs v = List.foldBack f (toList xs) v let foldBack2 f xs xs' v = List.foldBack2 f (toList xs) (toList xs') v let forAll p xs = List.forall p xs.enqueued && List.forall p xs.toDequeue let forAll2 p xs xs' = List.forall2 p (toList xs) (toList xs') let head xs = peek xs let init n f = List.init n f |> ofList let isEmpty q = List.isEmpty q.enqueued && List.isEmpty q.toDequeue let iter f xs = List.iter f xs.toDequeue xs.enqueued |> List.rev |> List.iter f let iter2 f xs xs' = List.iter2 f (toList xs) (toList xs') let iteri f xs = List.iteri f xs.toDequeue xs.enqueued |> List.rev |> List.iteri f let iteri2 f xs xs' = List.iteri2 f (toList xs) (toList xs') let length xs = List.length xs.enqueued + List.length xs.toDequeue let map f xs = unsafe_create ( f xs.enqueued) ( f xs.toDequeue) let map2 f xs xs' = List.map2 f (toList xs) (toList xs') |> ofList let map3 f xs xs' xs'' = List.map3 f (toList xs) (toList xs') (toList xs'') |> ofList let mapi f xs = unsafe_create (List.mapi f xs.enqueued) (List.mapi f xs.toDequeue) let mapi2 f xs xs' = List.mapi2 f (toList xs) (toList xs') |> ofList let nonempty xs = not <| isEmpty xs let nth xs pos = if pos > xs.toDequeue.Length then List.nth (List.rev xs.enqueued) (pos - xs.toDequeue.Length) else List.nth xs.toDequeue pos let fromArray xs = xs |> List.ofArray |> ofList let toArray xs = xs |> toList |> List.toArray let fromSeq xs = xs |> List.ofSeq |> ofList let toSeq xs = xs |> toList |> List.toSeq let min xs = List.min (toList xs) let minBy f xs = List.minBy f (toList xs) let max xs = List.max (toList xs) let maxBy f xs = List.maxBy f (toList xs) let partition p xs = let enqueuedA, enqueuedB = List.partition p xs.enqueued let toDequeueA, toDequeueB = List.partition p xs.toDequeue unsafe_create enqueuedA toDequeueA, unsafe_create enqueuedB toDequeueB let permute f xs = xs |> toList |> List.permute f |> ofList let pick p xs = match List.tryPick p xs.toDequeue with | None -> List.pick p (List.rev xs.enqueued) | Some res -> res let reduce f xs = xs |> toList |> List.reduce f let reduceBack f xs = xs |> toList |> List.reduceBack f let replicate n x = List.replicate n x |> ofList let rev xs = unsafe_create (List.rev xs.toDequeue) (List.rev xs.enqueued) let scan f v xs = xs |> toList |> List.scan f v |> ofList let scanBack f xs v = List.scanBack f (toList xs) v |> ofList let sort xs = List.sort (toList xs) |> ofList let sortBy f xs = List.sortBy f (toList xs) |> ofList let sortWith f xs = List.sortWith f (toList xs) |> ofList let tail xs = let hd, tl = dequeue xs tl let tryFind p xs = match List.tryFind p xs.toDequeue with | None -> List.tryFind p (List.rev xs.enqueued) | Some _ as res -> res let tryFindIndex p xs = match List.tryFindIndex p xs.toDequeue with | None -> List.tryFindIndex p (List.rev xs.enqueued) | Some _ as res -> res let tryPick p xs = match List.tryPick p xs.toDequeue with | None -> List.tryPick p (List.rev xs.enqueued) | Some _ as res -> res
type Queue<'a> = { enqueued : 'a list toDequeue : 'a list } interface System.Collections.IEnumerable interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'a> [<CompilationRepresentation(CompilationRepresentationFlags.ModuleSuffix)>] module Queue = type t<'a> = Queue<'a> val toList : t<'a> -> 'a list val ofList : 'a list -> t<'a> val empty<'a> : t<'a> val peek : t<'a> -> 'a val tryPeek : t<'a> -> 'a option val enqueue : 'a -> t<'a> -> t<'a> val dequeue : t<'a> -> 'a * t<'a> val tryDequeue : t<'a> -> ('a * t<'a>) option val append : t<'a> -> t<'a> -> t<'a> val choose : ('a -> 'b option) -> t<'a> -> t<'b> val collect : ('a -> 'b list) -> t<'a> -> t<'b> val concat : seq<t<'a>> -> t<'a> val exists : ('a -> bool) -> t<'a> -> bool val exists2 : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> t<'a> -> t<'b> -> bool val filter : ('a -> bool) -> t<'a> -> t<'a> val find : ('a -> bool) -> t<'a> -> 'a val findAll : ('a -> bool) -> t<'a> -> t<'a> val findIndex : ('a -> bool) -> t<'a> -> int val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> t<'b> -> 'a val fold2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> t<'b> -> t<'c> -> 'a val foldBack : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> t<'a> -> 'b -> 'b val foldBack2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> t<'a> -> t<'b> -> 'c -> 'c val forAll : ('a -> bool) -> t<'a> -> bool val forAll2 : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> t<'a> -> t<'b> -> bool val head : t<'a> -> 'a val init : int -> (int -> 'a) -> t<'a> val isEmpty : t<'a> -> bool val iter : ('a -> unit) -> t<'a> -> unit val iter2 : ('a -> 'b -> unit) -> t<'a> -> t<'b> -> unit val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> t<'a> -> unit val iteri2 : (int -> 'a -> 'b -> unit) -> t<'a> -> t<'b> -> unit val length : t<'a> -> int val map : ('a -> 'b) -> t<'a> -> t<'b> val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> t<'a> -> t<'b> -> t<'c> val map3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> t<'a> -> t<'b> -> t<'c> -> t<'d> val mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> t<'a> -> t<'b> val mapi2 : (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> t<'a> -> t<'b> -> t<'c> val min : t<'a> -> 'a when 'a:comparison val minBy : ('a -> 'b) -> t<'a> -> 'a when 'b:comparison val max : t<'a> -> 'a when 'a:comparison val maxBy : ('a -> 'b) -> t<'a> -> 'a when 'b:comparison val nonempty : t<'a> -> bool val nth : t<'a> -> int -> 'a val fromArray : 'a array -> t<'a> val toArray : t<'a> -> 'a array val fromSeq : seq<'b> -> t<'b> val toSeq : t<'a> -> seq<'a> val partition : ('a -> bool) -> t<'a> -> t<'a> * t<'a> val permute : (int -> int) -> t<'a> -> t<'a> val pick : ('a -> option<'b>) -> t<'a> -> 'b val reduce : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> t<'a> -> 'a val reduceBack : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> t<'a> -> 'a val replicate : int -> 'a -> t<'a> val rev : t<'a> -> t<'a> val scan : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> t<'b> -> t<'a> val scanBack : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> t<'a> -> 'b -> t<'b> val sort : t<'a> -> t<'a> when 'a: comparison val sortBy : ('a -> 'b) -> t<'a> -> t<'a> when 'b: comparison val sortWith : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> t<'a> -> t<'a> val tail : t<'a> -> t<'a> val tryFind : ('a -> bool) -> t<'a> -> option<'a> val tryFindIndex : ('a -> bool) -> t<'a> -> option<int> val tryPick : ('a -> 'b option) -> t<'a> -> option<'b>
Very cool. You should submit this to the F# Power Pack.