To exchange files, a BitTorrent client needs some information about the exchanged file(s). This information is contained within a file named the “metainfo” file.
More details are explaind in the Metainfo File Structure of the BitTorrent specification web page.
In short, the structure is a UTF-8 bencoded dictionary containing some required and optional key/value pairs.
{ "Announce":"http://.../announce" "Comment":"..." "created by":"..." "creation date":1210177305 "encoding":"UTF-8" "info":{ "files": [ { "length":3649577 "path":[ "foo.pdf" ] } { "length":47 "path":[ "bar.txt" ] } ] "name":"foobar" "piece Length":65536 "Pieces":"º©g£îèÊÉ\016…\015..." } }
namespace BitTorrent //--------------------------------------------------------------- // LIBRARIES //--------------------------------------------------------------- open Common //--------------------------------------------------------------- // META INFO //--------------------------------------------------------------- type MetainfoFileEntry = { Path : string Length : int64 MD5 : option<byte[]> } type Node = //used for Distributed Hash Table (DHT) protocol { IP : string Port : uint16 } type Metainfo = { mutable Tracker : string //if single tracker mutable Trackers : string[][] //if multiple trackers //----------------------------------------------------------- // Optional //----------------------------------------------------------- mutable Comment : string option mutable CreationDate : int64 option mutable CreatedBy : string option //----------------------------------------------------------- // Base info dictionary //----------------------------------------------------------- mutable PieceLength : int64 mutable SHA1s : byte[][] mutable IsPrivate : bool //----------------------------------------------------------- // File info : single and multiple files //----------------------------------------------------------- mutable Length : int64 //total length of the download mutable BaseDirectory : string mutable Files : MetainfoFileEntry[] //file entries if multiple file //----------------------------------------------------------- // Misc //----------------------------------------------------------- mutable Infohash : byte[] //----------------------------------------------------------- // DHT //----------------------------------------------------------- mutable Nodes : list<Node> } [<CompilationRepresentation(CompilationRepresentationFlags.ModuleSuffix)>] module Metainfo = type t = Metainfo ///[zeroCreate ()] returns a new Metainfo instance. val zeroCreate : unit -> t ///[fromBValue bvalue] attempts to read [bvalue] into a [Metainfo] structure. val fromBValue : bvalue:BValue.t -> t ///[fromFile filepath] attempts to read [filepath] into a [Metainfo] structure. val fromFile : path:string -> t val ( |SingleTracker|MultipleTrackers| ) : metainfo:t -> Choice<string, (string[][] * string[][])> ///[pieceLength nth metainfo] returns the length of the [nth] piece of the [metainfo]. val pieceLength : piece:int -> metainfo:t -> int64 ///[numBlocks nth metainfo] returns the number of blocks in the [nth] piece of the [metainfo]. ///The default length of a block is assumed to be [BlockLength]. val numBlocks : piece:int -> metainfo:t -> int ///[blockLength p_th b_th metainfo] returns the length of the [b_th] block of ///the [p_th] piece of the [metainfo]. val blockLength : piece:int -> block:int -> metainfo:t -> int val toBValue : metainfo:t -> BValue
The required helpers are described at the end and those described when we defined bencoding functions.
namespace BitTorrent //--------------------------------------------------------------- // LIBRARIES //--------------------------------------------------------------- open System open System.Collections.Generic open System.IO open System.Threading open Common open BitTorrent open BitTorrent.BValue //--------------------------------------------------------------- // METAINFO //--------------------------------------------------------------- exception MetainfoException of string type MetainfoFileEntry = { Path : string Length : int64 MD5 : option<byte[]> } type Node = { IP : string Port : uint16 } type Metainfo = { mutable Tracker : string mutable Trackers : string[][] //----------------------------------------------------------- // Optional //----------------------------------------------------------- mutable Comment : string option mutable CreationDate : int64 option mutable CreatedBy : string option //----------------------------------------------------------- // Base info dictionary //----------------------------------------------------------- mutable PieceLength : int64 mutable SHA1s : byte[][] mutable IsPrivate : bool //----------------------------------------------------------- // File info : single and multiple files //----------------------------------------------------------- mutable Length : int64 //total length of the download mutable BaseDirectory : string mutable Files : MetainfoFileEntry[] //file entries if multiple file //----------------------------------------------------------- // Misc //----------------------------------------------------------- mutable Infohash : byte[] //----------------------------------------------------------- // DHT //----------------------------------------------------------- mutable Nodes : list<Node> } [<CompilationRepresentation(CompilationRepresentationFlags.ModuleSuffix)>] module Metainfo = type t = Metainfo let fail s = raise <| MetainfoException s let zeroCreate() = { Tracker = "" Trackers = [||] //----------------------------------------------------------- // Optional //----------------------------------------------------------- Comment = None CreationDate = None CreatedBy = None //----------------------------------------------------------- // Base info dictionary //----------------------------------------------------------- PieceLength = 0L SHA1s = [||] IsPrivate = false //----------------------------------------------------------- // File info : single and multiple files //----------------------------------------------------------- Length = 0L BaseDirectory = "" Files = [||] //----------------------------------------------------------- // Misc //----------------------------------------------------------- Infohash = [||] //----------------------------------------------------------- // DHT //----------------------------------------------------------- Nodes = [] } let fromBValue bvalue = let metainfo = zeroCreate() // // Compulsory fields // match tryGetValue "announce" bvalue with | Some announce -> let announceUrl = getString announce if announceUrl.StartsWith "http" then metainfo.Tracker <- announceUrl | None -> fail "Missing [announce] key" //we need to keep track of the info dictionary let mutable info = Unchecked.defaultof<BValue> //temporary extract to make sure the bvalue contains an info dictionary match tryGetValue "info" bvalue with | Some res -> info <- res metainfo.Infohash <- info |> BValue.toBytes |> Digest.SHA1.hexdigest | None -> fail "Missing [info] key" // // Info dictionary parsing // // Common fields match tryGetValue "piece length" info with | Some pieceLength -> metainfo.PieceLength <- getInt64 pieceLength | None -> fail "Missing [piece length] key in [info] dictionary" match tryGetValue "pieces" info with | Some pieces -> let pieces = getBytes pieces let piecesCount = Array.length pieces if piecesCount % 20 <> 0 then fail "Invalid [pieces] value in info dictionary" metainfo.SHA1s <- [|for i in 0 .. 20 .. piecesCount - 1 -> pieces.[i .. i + 19] |] | None -> fail "Missing [pieces] key in [info] dictionary" let mutable nameOrDirectory = "" match tryGetValue "name" info with | Some name -> nameOrDirectory <- getString name | None -> fail "Missing [name] key in [info] dictionary" //optional field used for single file download match tryGetValue "length" info with //single file | Some length -> metainfo.Length <- getInt64 length let md5 = match tryGetValue "md5sum" info with | Some md5 -> Some <| getBytes md5 | None -> None let entry = { Path = nameOrDirectory Length = metainfo.Length MD5 = md5 } metainfo.Files <- [|entry|] //multiple files | None -> match tryGetValue "files" info with | Some files -> //with multiple files, the "name" key refers to the base directory metainfo.BaseDirectory <- nameOrDirectory let entries = [|let length = ref 0L let fullpath = ref "" let md5sum : option<byte[]> ref = ref None for file in getList files do match tryGetValue "length" file with | Some len -> length := getInt64 len | None -> fail "Missing [length] key in [files] value of [info] dictionary" //the full path is given as a list of folders fullpath := "" match tryGetValue "path" file with | Some pathComponents -> for subdir in getList pathComponents do fullpath := Filename.concat !fullpath (getString subdir) | None -> fail "Missing [path] key in [files] value of [info] dictionary" //md5 is optional and not used md5sum := None tryGetValue "md5sum" file |> Option.iter (fun md5 -> md5sum := Some <| getBytes md5 ) //aggregate the files lengths to compute the transfer length metainfo.Length <- metainfo.Length + !length let metainfoFile = { Path = !fullpath Length = !length MD5 = !md5sum } yield metainfoFile |] metainfo.Files <- entries | None -> fail "Missing [files] or [length] key in [info] dictionary" // // Optional fields from the info dictionary // //used for Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) tryGetValue "private" info |> Option.iter (fun isPrivate -> metainfo.IsPrivate <- getInt64 isPrivate = 1L ) //used for Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) tryGetValue "nodes" info |> Option.iter (fun nodes -> let nodes = [ for node in getList nodes do let nodeData = getList node if nodeData.Count <> 2 then fail "Invalid [nodes] value in the [info] BDict" let node = { IP = getString nodeData.[0] Port = nodeData.[1] |> getInt64 |> uint16 } yield node ] metainfo.Nodes <- nodes ) // // Optional fields from the main dictionary // //Note : when announce-list is present, the "announce" value is overriden tryGetValue "announce-list" bvalue |> Option.iter (fun announceList -> let tiers = getList announceList metainfo.Trackers <- Array.zeroCreate tiers.Count let tierIdx = ref 0 let randomizedTrackers = Array.init tiers.Count (fun i -> [|for url in getList tiers.[i] do let surl = getString url yield surl |] |> Array.shuffled ) |> Array.filter (fun tier -> tier.Length > 0) metainfo.Trackers <- randomizedTrackers ) tryGetValue "comment" bvalue |> Option.iter (fun comment -> metainfo.Comment <- comment |> getString |> Some ) tryGetValue "creation date" bvalue |> Option.iter (fun creationDate -> metainfo.CreationDate <- creationDate |> getInt64 |> Some ) tryGetValue "created by" bvalue |> Option.iter (fun createdBy -> metainfo.CreatedBy <- createdBy |> getString |> Some ) metainfo let fromFile path = path |> BValue.fromFile |> fromBValue let ( |SingleTracker|MultipleTrackers| ) metainfo = if metainfo.Trackers.Length = 0 then SingleTracker metainfo.Tracker else let http = [|for tier in metainfo.Trackers do let xs = tier |> Array.filter (fun url -> url.StartsWith "http://") if xs.Length > 0 then yield xs |] let udp = [|for tier in metainfo.Trackers do let xs = tier |> Array.filter (fun url -> url.StartsWith "udp://") if xs.Length > 0 then yield xs |] MultipleTrackers (http, udp) let isLastPiece piece metainfo = piece = metainfo.SHA1s.Length - 1 let pieceLength piece metainfo = if piece < 0 || piece >= metainfo.SHA1s.Length then let reason = sprintf "piece %d is out of bounds" piece invalidArg "piece" reason if isLastPiece piece metainfo then metainfo.Length % metainfo.PieceLength else metainfo.PieceLength let numBlocks piece metainfo = let pieceLength = pieceLength piece metainfo let blockLength = int64 App.BlockLength let nBlocks = pieceLength / blockLength |>int if pieceLength % blockLength = 0L then nBlocks else nBlocks + 1 let isLastBlock piece block metainfo = let nBlocks = numBlocks piece metainfo isLastPiece piece metainfo && block = nBlocks - 1 let blockLength piece block metainfo = let nBlocks = numBlocks piece metainfo if block >= nBlocks then let reason = sprintf "block %d is out of bounds" block invalidArg "block" reason if isLastBlock piece block metainfo then metainfo.Length % int64 App.BlockLength |> int else App.BlockLength //------------------------------------------------------------- // Metainfo creation //------------------------------------------------------------- let announceListToBValue announceList = let tiers = List<_>() for tier in announceList do let btier = List<_>() for tracker in tier do btier.Add(BString (String.toBytes tracker)) tiers.Add(BList btier) BList tiers let sha1sToBValue (sha1s:byte[][]) = BString [|for sha1 in sha1s do yield! sha1|] let pathToBValue (path:string) = let elements = List<_>() path.Split([|Path.DirectorySeparatorChar|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) |> Array.iter (fun elt -> String.toBytes elt |> BString |> elements.Add) BList elements let nodesToBValue (nodes:list<Node>) = let xs = List<_>() nodes |> List.iter (fun node -> let bnode = List<_>() bnode.Add (BString (String.toBytes node.IP)) bnode.Add (BInt (int64 node.Port)) xs.Add(BList bnode) ) BList xs let toBValue metainfo = let dict = new SortedDictionary<_, _>() dict.Add("announce", BString (String.toBytes metainfo.Tracker)) dict.Add("announce-list", (announceListToBValue metainfo.Trackers)) metainfo.Comment |> Option.iter (fun comment -> dict.Add("comment", BString (String.toBytes comment)) ) metainfo.CreationDate |> Option.iter (fun date -> dict.Add("creation date", BInt date) ) metainfo.CreatedBy |> Option.iter (fun createdBy -> dict.Add("created by", BString (String.toBytes createdBy)) ) let info = new SortedDictionary<_, _>() info.Add("piece length", BInt metainfo.PieceLength) info.Add("pieces", sha1sToBValue metainfo.SHA1s) info.Add("private", BInt (if metainfo.IsPrivate then 1L else 0L)) info.Add("nodes", nodesToBValue metainfo.Nodes) let isSingleFile = metainfo.Files.Length = 1 if isSingleFile then info.Add("name", BString (String.toBytes metainfo.Files.[0].Path)) info.Add("length", BInt metainfo.Files.[0].Length) else info.Add("name", BString (String.toBytes metainfo.BaseDirectory)) let files = List<_>() metainfo.Files |> Array.iter (fun file -> let bfile = new SortedDictionary<_, _>() bfile.Add("length", BInt file.Length) bfile.Add("path", pathToBValue file.Path) files.Add(BDict bfile) ) info.Add("files", BList files) dict.Add("info", BDict info) BDict dict
namespace Common open System module Array = let random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Ticks >>> 32 |> int) let swap n n' data = let max = Array.length data if n' >= max || n' < 0 then invalidArg "n'" <| sprintf "swap n:%d n':%d data:%A : index was out of array bounds" n n' data if n >= max || n < 0 then invalidArg "n'" <| sprintf "swap n:%d n':%d data:%A : index was out of array bounds" n n' data let tmp = data.[n] data.[n] <- data.[n'] data.[n'] <- tmp let shuffle data = data |> Array.iteri (fun i _ -> data |> swap i (random.Next(data.Length))) let shuffled data = shuffle data data //========================================================================= open System.IO open System.Security.Cryptography module Digest = module SHA1 = let hexdigest (bytes : byte[]) = let csp = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider() csp.ComputeHash(bytes) let digestFile path = if File.Exists(path) then let csp = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider() use s = File.OpenRead(path) csp.ComputeHash(s :> Stream) else invalidArg "file" "file not found"