To exchange files, a BitTorrent client needs some information about the exchanged file(s). This information is contained within a file named the “metainfo” file.

More details are explaind in the Metainfo File Structure of the BitTorrent specification web page.

In short, the structure is a UTF-8 bencoded dictionary containing some required and optional key/value pairs.


{ "Announce":"http://.../announce"
  "created by":"..."
  "creation date":1210177305
  "info":{  "files":  [ { "length":3649577
                          "path":[ "foo.pdf" ]
                        { "length":47
                          "path":[ "bar.txt" ]
            "piece Length":65536


namespace BitTorrent


open Common


type MetainfoFileEntry =
  { Path : string
    Length : int64
    MD5 : option<byte[]>

type Node = //used for Distributed Hash Table (DHT) protocol
  { IP : string
    Port : uint16

type Metainfo =
  { mutable Tracker : string //if single tracker
    mutable Trackers : string[][] //if multiple trackers

    // Optional
    mutable Comment : string option
    mutable CreationDate : int64 option
    mutable CreatedBy : string option 

    // Base info dictionary
    mutable PieceLength : int64
    mutable SHA1s : byte[][]
    mutable IsPrivate : bool 

    // File info : single and multiple files
    mutable Length : int64 //total length of the download
    mutable BaseDirectory : string
    mutable Files : MetainfoFileEntry[] //file entries if multiple file

    // Misc
    mutable Infohash : byte[] 

    // DHT
    mutable Nodes : list<Node>

module Metainfo =
  type t = Metainfo

  ///[zeroCreate ()] returns a new Metainfo instance.
  val zeroCreate : unit -> t

  ///[fromBValue bvalue] attempts to read [bvalue] into a [Metainfo] structure.
  val fromBValue : bvalue:BValue.t -> t

  ///[fromFile filepath] attempts to read [filepath] into a [Metainfo] structure.
  val fromFile : path:string -> t

  val ( |SingleTracker|MultipleTrackers| ) : metainfo:t -> Choice<string, (string[][] * string[][])>

  ///[pieceLength nth metainfo] returns the length of the [nth] piece of the [metainfo].
  val pieceLength : piece:int -> metainfo:t -> int64

  ///[numBlocks nth metainfo] returns the number of blocks in the [nth] piece of the [metainfo].
  ///The default length of a block is assumed to be [BlockLength].
  val numBlocks : piece:int -> metainfo:t -> int

  ///[blockLength p_th b_th metainfo] returns the length of the [b_th] block of
  ///the [p_th] piece of the [metainfo].
  val blockLength : piece:int -> block:int -> metainfo:t -> int

  val toBValue : metainfo:t -> BValue


The required helpers are described at the end and those described when we defined bencoding functions.

namespace BitTorrent


open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.IO
open System.Threading

open Common

open BitTorrent
open BitTorrent.BValue


exception MetainfoException of string

type MetainfoFileEntry =
  { Path : string
    Length : int64
    MD5 : option<byte[]>

type Node =
  { IP : string
    Port : uint16

type Metainfo =
  { mutable Tracker : string
    mutable Trackers : string[][]

    // Optional
    mutable Comment : string option
    mutable CreationDate : int64 option
    mutable CreatedBy : string option 

    // Base info dictionary
    mutable PieceLength : int64
    mutable SHA1s : byte[][]
    mutable IsPrivate : bool 

    // File info : single and multiple files
    mutable Length : int64 //total length of the download
    mutable BaseDirectory : string
    mutable Files : MetainfoFileEntry[] //file entries if multiple file

    // Misc
    mutable Infohash : byte[] 

    // DHT
    mutable Nodes : list<Node>

module Metainfo =
  type t = Metainfo

  let fail s = raise <| MetainfoException s

  let zeroCreate() =
    { Tracker = ""
      Trackers = [||]

      // Optional
      Comment = None
      CreationDate = None
      CreatedBy = None

      // Base info dictionary
      PieceLength = 0L
      SHA1s = [||]
      IsPrivate = false

      // File info : single and multiple files
      Length = 0L
      BaseDirectory = ""
      Files = [||]

      // Misc
      Infohash = [||]

      // DHT
      Nodes = []

  let fromBValue bvalue =
    let metainfo = zeroCreate()    

    // Compulsory fields
    match tryGetValue "announce" bvalue with
    | Some announce ->
        let announceUrl = getString announce
        if announceUrl.StartsWith "http" then metainfo.Tracker <- announceUrl
    | None -> fail "Missing [announce] key"   

    //we need to keep track of the info dictionary
    let mutable info = Unchecked.defaultof<BValue>

    //temporary extract to make sure the bvalue contains an info dictionary
    match tryGetValue "info" bvalue with
    | Some res ->
        info <- res
        metainfo.Infohash <- info |> BValue.toBytes |> Digest.SHA1.hexdigest
    | None -> fail "Missing [info] key"      

    // Info dictionary parsing

    // Common fields

    match tryGetValue "piece length" info with
    | Some pieceLength -> metainfo.PieceLength <- getInt64 pieceLength
    | None -> fail "Missing [piece length] key in [info] dictionary"

    match tryGetValue "pieces" info with
    | Some pieces ->
        let pieces = getBytes pieces
        let piecesCount = Array.length pieces
        if piecesCount % 20 <> 0 then
          fail "Invalid [pieces] value in info dictionary"
        metainfo.SHA1s <- [|for i in 0 .. 20 .. piecesCount - 1 -> pieces.[i .. i + 19] |]
    | None -> fail "Missing [pieces] key in [info] dictionary"

    let mutable nameOrDirectory = ""
    match tryGetValue "name" info with
    | Some name -> nameOrDirectory <- getString name
    | None -> fail "Missing [name] key in [info] dictionary"

    //optional field used for single file download

    match tryGetValue "length" info with
    //single file
    | Some length ->
        metainfo.Length <- getInt64 length   

        let md5 =
          match tryGetValue "md5sum" info with
          | Some md5 -> Some <| getBytes md5
          | None -> None

        let entry =
          { Path = nameOrDirectory
            Length = metainfo.Length
            MD5 = md5
        metainfo.Files <- [|entry|]

    //multiple files
    | None ->
        match tryGetValue "files" info with
        | Some files ->
            //with multiple files, the "name" key refers to the base directory
            metainfo.BaseDirectory <- nameOrDirectory

            let entries =
              [|let length = ref 0L
                let fullpath = ref ""
                let md5sum : option<byte[]> ref = ref None

                for file in getList files do
                  match tryGetValue "length" file with
                  | Some len -> length := getInt64 len
                  | None -> fail "Missing [length] key in [files] value of [info] dictionary"
                  //the full path is given as a list of folders
                  fullpath := ""
                  match tryGetValue "path" file with
                  | Some pathComponents ->
                      for subdir in getList pathComponents do
                        fullpath := Filename.concat !fullpath (getString subdir)
                  | None -> fail "Missing [path] key in [files] value of [info] dictionary"
                  //md5 is optional and not used
                  md5sum := None
                  tryGetValue "md5sum" file |> Option.iter (fun md5 ->
                    md5sum := Some <| getBytes md5
                  //aggregate the files lengths to compute the transfer length
                  metainfo.Length <- metainfo.Length + !length

                  let metainfoFile =
                    { Path = !fullpath
                      Length = !length
                      MD5 = !md5sum

                  yield metainfoFile

            metainfo.Files <- entries   

        | None -> fail "Missing [files] or [length] key in [info] dictionary"

    // Optional fields from the info dictionary

    //used for Distributed Hash Tables (DHT)
    tryGetValue "private" info |> Option.iter (fun isPrivate ->
      metainfo.IsPrivate <- getInt64 isPrivate = 1L

    //used for Distributed Hash Tables (DHT)
    tryGetValue "nodes" info |> Option.iter (fun nodes ->
      let nodes =
        [ for node in getList nodes do
            let nodeData = getList node
            if nodeData.Count <> 2 then
              fail "Invalid [nodes] value in the [info] BDict"
            let node =
              { IP = getString nodeData.[0]
                Port = nodeData.[1] |> getInt64 |> uint16
            yield node
      metainfo.Nodes <- nodes

    // Optional fields from the main dictionary

    //Note : when announce-list is present, the "announce" value is overriden
    tryGetValue "announce-list" bvalue |> Option.iter (fun announceList ->
      let tiers = getList announceList
      metainfo.Trackers <- Array.zeroCreate tiers.Count
      let tierIdx = ref 0
      let randomizedTrackers =
        Array.init tiers.Count (fun i ->
          [|for url in getList tiers.[i] do
              let surl = getString url
              yield surl
          |> Array.shuffled
        ) |> Array.filter (fun tier -> tier.Length > 0)
      metainfo.Trackers <- randomizedTrackers

    tryGetValue "comment" bvalue |> Option.iter (fun comment ->
      metainfo.Comment <- comment |> getString |> Some

    tryGetValue "creation date" bvalue |> Option.iter (fun creationDate ->
      metainfo.CreationDate <- creationDate |> getInt64 |> Some

    tryGetValue "created by" bvalue |> Option.iter (fun createdBy ->
      metainfo.CreatedBy <- createdBy |> getString |> Some


  let fromFile path =
    path |> BValue.fromFile |> fromBValue 

  let ( |SingleTracker|MultipleTrackers| ) metainfo =
    if metainfo.Trackers.Length = 0 then
      SingleTracker metainfo.Tracker
      let http =
        [|for tier in metainfo.Trackers do
            let xs = tier |> Array.filter (fun url -> url.StartsWith "http://")
            if xs.Length > 0 then yield xs
      let udp =
        [|for tier in metainfo.Trackers do
            let xs = tier |> Array.filter (fun url -> url.StartsWith "udp://")
            if xs.Length > 0 then yield xs
      MultipleTrackers (http, udp)

  let isLastPiece piece metainfo =
    piece = metainfo.SHA1s.Length - 1

  let pieceLength piece metainfo =
    if piece < 0 || piece >= metainfo.SHA1s.Length then
      let reason = sprintf "piece %d is out of bounds" piece
      invalidArg "piece" reason
    if isLastPiece piece metainfo then
      metainfo.Length % metainfo.PieceLength

  let numBlocks piece metainfo =
    let pieceLength = pieceLength piece metainfo
    let blockLength = int64 App.BlockLength
    let nBlocks = pieceLength / blockLength |>int
    if pieceLength % blockLength = 0L then nBlocks else nBlocks + 1

  let isLastBlock piece block metainfo =
    let nBlocks = numBlocks piece metainfo
    isLastPiece piece metainfo && block = nBlocks - 1

  let blockLength piece block metainfo =
    let nBlocks = numBlocks piece metainfo
    if block >= nBlocks then
      let reason = sprintf "block %d is out of bounds" block
      invalidArg "block" reason
    if isLastBlock piece block metainfo then
      metainfo.Length % int64 App.BlockLength |> int

  // Metainfo creation

  let announceListToBValue announceList =
    let tiers = List<_>()
    for tier in announceList do
      let btier = List<_>()
      for tracker in tier do
        btier.Add(BString (String.toBytes tracker))
      tiers.Add(BList btier)
    BList tiers

  let sha1sToBValue (sha1s:byte[][]) =
    BString [|for sha1 in sha1s do yield! sha1|]

  let pathToBValue (path:string) =
    let elements = List<_>()
    path.Split([|Path.DirectorySeparatorChar|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
    |> Array.iter (fun elt -> String.toBytes elt |> BString |> elements.Add)
    BList elements

  let nodesToBValue (nodes:list<Node>) =
    let xs = List<_>()
    nodes |> List.iter (fun node ->
      let bnode = List<_>()
      bnode.Add (BString (String.toBytes node.IP))
      bnode.Add (BInt (int64 node.Port))
      xs.Add(BList bnode)
    BList xs

  let toBValue metainfo =
    let dict = new SortedDictionary<_, _>()
    dict.Add("announce", BString (String.toBytes metainfo.Tracker))
    dict.Add("announce-list", (announceListToBValue metainfo.Trackers))
    metainfo.Comment |> Option.iter (fun comment ->
      dict.Add("comment", BString (String.toBytes comment))
    metainfo.CreationDate |> Option.iter (fun date ->
      dict.Add("creation date", BInt date)
    metainfo.CreatedBy |> Option.iter (fun createdBy ->
      dict.Add("created by", BString (String.toBytes createdBy))

    let info = new SortedDictionary<_, _>()
    info.Add("piece length", BInt metainfo.PieceLength)
    info.Add("pieces", sha1sToBValue metainfo.SHA1s)
    info.Add("private", BInt (if metainfo.IsPrivate then 1L else 0L))
    info.Add("nodes", nodesToBValue metainfo.Nodes)
    let isSingleFile = metainfo.Files.Length = 1
    if isSingleFile then
      info.Add("name", BString (String.toBytes metainfo.Files.[0].Path))
      info.Add("length", BInt metainfo.Files.[0].Length)
      info.Add("name", BString (String.toBytes metainfo.BaseDirectory))
      let files = List<_>()
      metainfo.Files |> Array.iter (fun file ->
        let bfile = new SortedDictionary<_, _>()
        bfile.Add("length", BInt file.Length)
        bfile.Add("path", pathToBValue file.Path)
        files.Add(BDict bfile)
      info.Add("files", BList files)

    dict.Add("info", BDict info)
    BDict dict


namespace Common

open System

module Array =

  let random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Ticks >>> 32 |> int)

  let swap n n' data =
    let max = Array.length data
    if n' >= max || n' < 0 then
      invalidArg "n'" <| sprintf "swap n:%d n':%d data:%A : index was out of array bounds" n n' data
    if n >= max || n < 0 then
      invalidArg "n'" <| sprintf "swap n:%d n':%d data:%A : index was out of array bounds" n n' data
    let tmp = data.[n]
    data.[n] <- data.[n']
    data.[n'] <- tmp

  let shuffle data =
    data |> Array.iteri (fun i _ -> data |> swap i (random.Next(data.Length)))

  let shuffled data =
    shuffle data


open System.IO
open System.Security.Cryptography

module Digest =

  module SHA1 =
    let hexdigest (bytes : byte[]) =
      let csp = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()

    let digestFile path =
      if File.Exists(path) then
        let csp = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()
        use s = File.OpenRead(path)
        csp.ComputeHash(s :> Stream)
        invalidArg "file" "file not found"      

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