The bitfield tracks which pieces of the transfer are already downloaded, and which aren’t. We therefore only need a structure which can track two states per value, which is why we use a bitarray library. In fact, we use only a subset of these functions, and rename a few to make them more expressive.
We also need to be able to translate the bitfield from/to the network where the high bit (right-most in network order) in the first byte corresponds to piece index 0.
namespace BitTorrent type Bitfield = Common.Bitarray [<CompilationRepresentation(CompilationRepresentationFlags.ModuleSuffix)>] module Bitfield = type t = Bitfield ///[create n] creates a new Bitfield representing [n] pieces. val create : numPieces:int -> t ///[length bitfield] returns the number of pieces handled by [bitfield]. val length : bitfield:t -> int ///[put nth flag bitfield] sets the [nth] value of the [bitfield] to [flag]. val put : n:int -> flag:bool -> bitfield:t -> unit ///[set nth bitfield] sets the [nth] value of the [bitfield] to [true]. val set : n:int -> bitfield:t -> unit ///[unset nth bitfield] sets the [nth] value of the [bitfield] to [false]. val unset : n:int -> bitfield:t -> unit val iteri : f:(int -> bool -> unit) -> bitfield:t -> unit ///[verifiedPieces bitfield] returns the indexes of the pieces which are set to true. val verifiedPieces : bitfield:t -> list<int> ///[unverifiedPieces bitfield] returns the indexes of the pieces which are set to false. val unverifiedPieces : bitfield:t -> list<int> ///[hasPiece nth bitfield] returns true if the [nth] piece is set to true. val hasPiece : n:int -> bitfield:t -> bool ///[isVirgin bitfield] returns true if no bit is set in the [bitfield]. val isVirgin : bitfield:t -> bool ///[isSeeder bitfield] returns true if all bits are set in the [bitfield]. val isSeeder : bitfield:t -> bool ///[( |Virgin|Leecher|Seeder| ) bitfield] returns Virgin if no piece is set to true, ///Seeder if they are all set to true, Leecher otherwise. val ( |Virgin|Leecher|Seeder| ) : bitfield:t -> Choice<unit,unit,unit> ///[toBytes bitfield] converts [bitfield] to a byte array ready to be sent over the network. ///The high bit in the first byte corresponds to piece index 0. ///Spare bits at the end are set to zero. val toBytes : bitfield:t -> byte[] ///[fromBytes bytes numPieces] converts [bytes] to a Bitfield. The high bit in the first byte ///corresponds to piece index 0. Spare bits at the end are set to zero. ///An exception is raised if [numPieces] is inconsistent with the number of bits encoded ///in [bytes]. val fromBytes : bytes:byte[] -> numPieces:int -> t
namespace BitTorrent type Bitfield = Common.Bitarray [<CompilationRepresentation(CompilationRepresentationFlags.ModuleSuffix)>] module Bitfield = open Common type t = Bitfield let create n = Bitarray.create n let length bitfield = Bitarray.length bitfield let put i flag bitfield = Bitarray.put i flag bitfield let set i bitfield = Bitarray.set i bitfield let unset i bitfield = Bitarray.unset i bitfield let iteri f bitfield = Bitarray.iteri f bitfield let verifiedPieces bitfield = Bitarray.setBits bitfield let unverifiedPieces bitfield = Bitarray.unsetBits bitfield let hasPiece piece bitfield = Bitarray.isSet piece bitfield let isVirgin bitfield = Bitarray.areAllUnset bitfield let isSeeder bitfield = Bitarray.areAllSet bitfield let ( |Virgin|Leecher|Seeder| ) bitfield = if isVirgin bitfield then Virgin elif isSeeder bitfield then Seeder else Leecher //----------------------------------------------------------- // Convert the byte array representation of a bitfield between the // network-usable version and a bitarray-usable version. //----------------------------------------------------------- //The bitfield message is variable length, where X is the length of the bitfield. //The payload is a bitfield representing the pieces that have been successfully downloaded. //The high bit (right-most in network order) in the first byte corresponds to piece index 0. //Bits that are cleared indicated a missing piece, and set bits indicate a valid and available piece. //Spare bits at the end are set to zero let isSetBit bits bit = bits &&& byte (1 <<< bit) <> 0uy let setBit bits bit = bits ||| byte (1 <<< (7 - bit)) let toggleBits (data:byte[]) = let nBytes = Array.length data let convertedBytes = Array.create nBytes 0uy for currentByte in 0 .. nBytes - 1 do for currentBit in 0 .. 7 do if isSetBit data.[currentByte] currentBit then convertedBytes.[currentByte] <- setBit convertedBytes.[currentByte] currentBit convertedBytes let toBytes bitfield = bitfield |> Bitarray.toBytes |> toggleBits let fromBytes data numBits = Bitarray.fromBytes (toggleBits data) numBits
let test x = printfn "bitfield length : %d" (Bitfield.length x) printfn "bitfield has piece 0 : %A" (Bitfield.hasPiece 0 x) printfn "bitfield verified pieces: %A" (Bitfield.verifiedPieces x) printfn "bitfield unverified pieces: %A" (Bitfield.unverifiedPieces x) printfn "bitfield is virgin: %A" (Bitfield.isVirgin x) printfn "bitfield is seeder: %A" (Bitfield.isSeeder x) printfn "bitfield contais only [false] flags : %A" (Bitarray.areAllUnset x) printfn "bitfield contais only [true] flags : %A" (Bitarray.areAllSet x) printfn "bitfield to bytes : %A" (Bitfield.toBytes x) printfn "bitfield from bytes : %A" (Bitfield.fromBytes (Bitfield.toBytes x) (Bitfield.length x)) printfn "=================" //no bit is set, thus the client is a virgin let x = Bitfield.create 10 test x ;; Bitfield.set 0 x test x ;; Bitfield.unset 0 x test x ;; //set all bits to true, i.e. when the client is seeding x |> Bitfield.iteri (fun i e -> Bitfield.set i x) test x;;