This post describes the F# implementation of the scheduled binomial heap from Chris Okasaki’s “Purely functional data structures”.
namespace PurelyFunctionalDataStructures module ScheduledBinomialHeap = type Tree<'a> = Node of ('a * list<Tree<'a>>) type Digit<'a> = option<Tree<'a>> type Schedule<'a> = list<LazyList<Digit<'a>>> type t<'a> = LazyList<Digit<'a>> * Schedule<'a> let empty() = LazyList.empty(), [] let singleton x = LazyList.cons (Some x) (LazyList.empty()), [] let isEmpty (x, _) = LazyList.isEmpty x let link (Node(x1, c1) as t1) (Node(x2, c2) as t2) = if x1 <= x2 then Node (x1, t2::c1) else Node(x2, t1::c2) let rec insTree t = function | LazyList.Nil -> LazyList.cons (Some t) (LazyList.empty()) | LazyList.Cons(None, tl) -> LazyList.cons (Some t) tl | LazyList.Cons(Some hd, tl) -> LazyList.cons None (insTree (link t hd) tl) let rec mrg ds1 ds2 = match ds1, ds2 with | ds1, LazyList.Nil -> ds1 | LazyList.Nil, ds2 -> ds2 | LazyList.Cons(None, tl1), LazyList.Cons(hd, tl2) | LazyList.Cons(hd, tl1), LazyList.Cons(None, tl2) -> LazyList.cons hd (mrg tl1 tl2) | LazyList.Cons(Some x1, tl1), LazyList.Cons(Some x2, tl2) -> LazyList.cons None (insTree (link x1 x2) (mrg tl1 tl2)) let rec normalize = function | LazyList.Nil as ds -> ds | LazyList.Cons(hd, tl) as ds -> normalize tl |> ignore //evaluate every lazy expression ds let rec exec = function | [] -> [] | LazyList.Cons(None, job) :: sched -> job::sched | _::sched -> sched let insert x (ds, sched) = let ds' = insTree (Node(x, [])) ds ds', exec (exec (ds'::sched)) let merge (ds1, _) (ds2, _) = normalize (mrg ds1 ds2), [] let rec removeMinTree = function | LazyList.Nil -> raise Empty | LazyList.Cons(Some t, LazyList.Nil) -> t, LazyList.empty() | LazyList.Cons(None, ds) -> let t', ds' = removeMinTree ds t', LazyList.cons None ds' | LazyList.Cons(Some (Node (x,_) as t), ds) -> let t', ds' = removeMinTree ds match t' with | Node(x', _) -> if x <= x' then t, LazyList.cons None ds else t', LazyList.cons (Some t) ds' let findMin (ds, _) = let Node(x, _), _ = removeMinTree ds x let removeMin (ds, _) = let Node(x, c), ds' = removeMinTree ds let ds'' = mrg (LazyList.ofList ( Some (List.rev c))) ds' normalize ds'', []